Please reach us at if you have any questions.
Hair must be pulled up and out of the dancer's face at all times.
Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Tumbling
We ask that parents do not stay to watch as this is a distraction to not only your child, but the rest of the students in the class.
We are always concerned about the safety of our students. It works best for everyone if you will drop off and pick up students on time. Students are requested to check outside with an instructor for their ride when class is over. If you are late, we will ask them to wait inside. This will require you to park and walk into the studio to retrieve your child.
By signing the Enrollment Form you agree to release and forever discharge, Kingsley Dance Company and its staff members from any liabilities growing out of or related to any activities in which you or your child participate in. You understand that this is a full and complete release of all injuries or damages which you or your children may sustain as a result of my/his/her participation in any activities, regardless of the specific cause thereof.
Please review your calendar so you know when classes are not in session.
Kingsley Dance Company follows Kingsley Area Public Schools policy for breaks including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. There will also not be dance on Memorial day or Halloween. There will be no other holidays or days off. If school is cancelled due to weather we will NOT have dance. If the instructor cancels class for a personal reason or sickness, a makeup class will be scheduled.